Investing in the future – Budget 2024–25
The Australian Government is investing $477 million in the 2024–25 Budget to build capacity for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs as it delivers on the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.
An investment of $194.4 million over four years and $20.6 million every year from 2028–29 onwards will increase DVA’s staffing levels and fund further modernisation of its ICT.
- An investment of $186 million over four years and $20.6 million every year from 2028–29 onwards will fund an additional 141 service delivery staff on an ongoing basis from 2026–27.
- $8.4 million over two years will pilot a modern clinical case management and workflow solution.
The Government has committed $222 million in funding for the harmonisation of veterans’ compensation and rehabilitation legislation. If passed by Parliament, this reform will make it easier for veterans and families to access support. This commitment represents a significant investment in support directly for veterans and their families and responds to Recommendation 1 of the Royal Commission.
A separate measure provides $59.6 million over two years to support continued access to valuable health and support programs for veterans and families. This includes $48.4 million over two years to support access to the Veterans’ Home Care and Community Nursing programs benefitting 45,000 veterans and war widow(er)s. It also includes the extension of the Military and Veteran Psychiatry Training Program, extension of the Provisional Access to Medical Treatment (PAMT) program and extension of the Veterans’ Chaplaincy Pilot Program.
A $30 million investment commits to build more housing and provide specialist services for veterans and families who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness, providing veterans and families the foundation to live meaningful lives.
Other measures in the Budget 2024–25 package include:
- $1.16 million over three years enabling the domestic War Graves program to continue to care and maintain official commemorations and memorials.
- $400,000, including $300,000 in grant funding, to extend the Supporting Veteran Owned Business Grant Program for three years, helping veterans and families open or increase the competitiveness of their own business.
Additionally, there are a range of measures managed by other Australian Government departments that benefit veterans and families, from the Treasury, the Department of Health and Aged Care and from the Department of Social Services.
For more information, visit the DVA website.
New tax offset for some veterans affected by the Douglas decision
Veterans who are entitled to the new Veterans’ superannuation (invalidity pension) tax offset (VSTO) will have their affected tax return/s amended by the ATO and be issued an amended notice of assessment.
The ATO advises that veterans do not need to do anything different. Include your military invalidity pension payment amounts in your tax return at question 8 ‘Australian superannuation lump sum payments’, and they will do the rest.
The Veterans’ superannuation (invalidity pension) tax offset (VSTO) removes the additional tax some veterans would pay because of the Douglas decision. The Douglas decision covers invalidity pensions paid to veterans under the MSBS (Military Super Benefit Scheme) or DFRDB (Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits) scheme that commenced on or after 20 September 2007.
The ATO is sending letters to veterans who are entitled to a VSTO amount greater than $0 and have lodged their 2020–21 and/or 2021–22 income year tax returns. They are advising that they are amending their tax returns to apply the new tax offset.
When you lodge tax returns in the future, the ATO will treat your invalidity pension as a super lump sum. If you are entitled to a VSTO amount, the ATO will calculate it for you and apply it to your tax return.
The ATO says it is committed to amending prior year tax returns as quickly as possible.
You can get the latest information about the Douglas decision and the VSTO on the ATO’s website at ato.gov.au/militarysuper.
If you have problems Registering contact: COMMEMORATIONS@dva.gov.au
Joint Media Release - Prime Minister and Minister Keogh - Commemorative medallion to mark 50 years since the end of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War
Department of Veterans Affairs

29 March 2023
Today, the Prime Minister and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs launched a commemorative medallion to honour those who served in the Vietnam War.
The medallion is a small but meaningful way to honour the service of Vietnam veterans and to recognise the sacrifice of those who never returned home and that of their families.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Some 60,000 Australians served in the Vietnam War, more than 3,000 were wounded and 523 tragically lost their lives. We must honour those who served and the families that support them.
The medallions are available for every veteran, and can be applied for by Vietnam War veterans, widows of veterans and other family members of veterans.
The launch of the medallions continues the Australian Government’s recognition of this significant anniversary throughout 2023, culminating in a national commemorative service on Vietnam Veterans’ Day, 18 August 2023.
For more details on the commemorative medallion, including how to apply, or for more information about the other commemorative events planned, visit the DVA website: www.dva.gov.au/vietnam50.
Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:
“This year, as we mark 50 years since the role of Australian troops in the hostilities in Vietnam came to a close, let us acknowledge your service and sacrifice.”
“Your experiences during and after the war are a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have served our country and the debt of gratitude we owe each and every one of you.”
“These medallions are a small but meaningful way to honour your service - to recognise the sacrifice of those who never returned home, and of those who did, and endure the scars of service.”
Quotes attributable to Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Matt Keogh:
“This was a war that was at times contentious at home, and for some veterans their service not recognised as it should have been.
“To each and every one of our Vietnam veterans: We honour you. We thank you.
DVA Media: media.team@dva.gov.au
Authorised by The Hon Matt Keogh MP.
Affected by the Douglas decision? The ATO may send you a letter
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is sending letters to some veterans who are affected by the Douglas Full Federal Court decision for the 2010-11 to 2019-20 income years. This covers invalidity pensions paid to veterans under the MSBS (Military Super Benefit Scheme) or DFRDBS (Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Scheme) that commenced on or after 20 September 2007.
The ATO says that over 2,500 veterans have asked to have their prior year assessments amended since this Court decision. Most of these veterans have received tax refunds.
The ATO is sending letters to veterans who have not yet requested a review for prior years. If you have not yet had your amendments done, your letter will be issued in the coming months. The ATO urges veterans to be patient as there are many people to contact.
The letters will include a brief form to complete and a reply-paid envelope. Veterans should consider their personal circumstances and if they want to participate in the ATO’s review process.
If you use a tax agent, the ATO will let them know they are sending you a letter. This will make it easier if you need to call your agent about the letter.
The ATO says it is committed to finalising reviews as quickly as possible, but each person’s circumstances are different. It may take a while to determine any refund owing to you, but they will keep you informed along the way.
You can get the latest information about the Douglas decision and the simplified review process on the ATO’s website at ato.gov.au/militarysuper.
Downsizer contributions for individuals:
Downsizing contributions into superannuation:
Published: 15/12/2022
Also on DVA Website
Supporting veterans to downsize their homes
6 January 2023
The Australian Government is making it easier for veterans and their partners who receive income support payments to sell and buy a new home.
From 1 January 2023 onwards new rules apply when you are selling your principal home and using the proceeds to buy a new one. For eligible veterans and war widows, the proceeds from the sale of their principal home will be exempt from assets testing for up to 24 months, to give them more time to purchase or build a new home. Additionally, the proceeds from the sale will be deemed to be earning income at the lower rate of 0.25 per cent.
These changes will make it easier for eligible veterans and their families to downsize their homes by reducing the impact of selling and buying on their income support payment rates.
For more information visit https://www.dva.gov.au/financial-support/payment-rates/summary-pension-rates-limits-and-allowances
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Minister Keogh - Government Seeks Your Feedback on Veterans' Legislative Reform

17 OCTOBER 2022
Government seeks your feedback on veterans’ legislative reform
Consultation on reforming veterans’ legislation has commenced today with the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) seeking submissions from the community.
The Australian Government recently agreed to Recommendation 1 of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Interim Report, which called for the development and passage of legislation to simplify and harmonise the framework for veterans’ compensation, rehabilitation and other entitlements.
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs the Hon. Matt Keogh said the Government is determined to deliver on its commitment to implement this recommendation in accordance with the timeline set out by the Royal Commission.
“The existing legislative framework is too complex, making it challenging for the department to process claims and difficult for veterans to access the services and support they need,” Mr Keogh said.
A significant investigation of the legislative framework has already been completed by the Productivity Commission in its 2019 inquiry report A Better Way to Support Veterans. The Royal Commission identified recommendations in this report for the Government to consider as part of this reform process and we are now seeking feedback on both the recommendations made by the Productivity Commission and the Royal Commission in relation to legislative reform.
“This is an important opportunity for the community to share their views on how we can improve the legislation in line with the recommendations of the Productivity Commission’s report.
“I encourage current serving and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force, family members, ex-service organisations, medical providers and others who interact with the veteran and family system to share their views.”
Those wishing to provide feedback can do so, anonymously if they wish, by 14 November 2022 at www.dva.gov.au/pcconsultation2022
Email: PCConsultation2022@dva.gov.au.
Authorised by The Hon Matt Keogh MP.